Ficus carica, Cerotelium fici, Homeopathic preparationsAbstract
This work aimed to evaluate the impact of dynamized high dilutions on rust development and yield fig plants. Studies were conducted in the field. The experimental design was in split-plot, with five replications. The treatments were Belladonna, Thuya occidentalis, and nosode of fig-rusted leaves, all at 30 CH – centesimal Hahnemannian dilution order. Distilled water was used as the control. The cultivars used were Roxo de Valinhos and Branco Rosa Lages. Spray applications were performed every 15 days. The incidence and severity of rust Cerotelium fici were evaluated every seven days. The number of fruits per plant was counted. Belladonna reduced the severity of rust. Thuya occidentalis and nosode improved leave persistence. Dynamized high dilutions are a potential strategy to improve the tolerance of fig plants to drought and rust.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda do Prado Mattos, Mari Ines Carissimi Boff, Pedro Boff
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