The soundtrack of the short film Guardiãs do Nascimento
a poetic journey through the four elements of nature
Feminism, Pregnancy, Ritual Performance, Soundtrack, AudiovisualAbstract
This article is an account of the principles that involved the poetic composition of the audiovisual Guardians of Birth, focusing on the relationships between sound and image, ritual performance and nature, corporeity and affection. The short film has the aesthetic proposal of being a sound and visual journey through the gestational cycle until childbirth, guided by rituals with the four elements of nature: water, air, fire and earth. With an emphasis on the ritual dimension, the film is composed of scenes of ritual performances and an aesthetic of the narrative script as a rite of passage. The composition of the soundtrack is based on musical studies from Anthroposophy and the field of sound healing. The film aims to sow female wisdom from traditional community midwifery and strengthen the paradigm of humanized childbirth for a loving arrival of the baby on Earth.
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