Decolonial pedagogies for teaching English in the online context: a practice report
Decolonial pedagogies, Online teaching, English language teachingAbstract
This practice report seeks to investigate how activities developed based on decolonial practices for synchronous online English language classes as additional language can promote reflections on new ways of teaching and learning, analyzing, from the teacher's perspective, the possibility of changes in our conceptions of teaching and our experiences. The present report is theoretically based on concepts referring to online teaching (RABELLO, 2021; HODGES et al., 2020), teaching additional languages in the online context (TEH, 2021; NG, 2020), decoloniality and decolonial pedagogical practices (MIGNOLO; WALSH, 2018). We consider that, through the practice report, it would be possible to abandon the conviction that we learn languages for communicative purposes using only the approaches discussed in the academy, without taking into account the resistance and reexistence movement that permeates a culturally diverse curriculum, and tread new directions for our academic and professional journey taking into account aspects of decolonial theory. Thus, we believe that the decolonial pedagogies have the potential to promote greater engagement and provide dialogues capable of promoting social transformations and challenging the orientations and postulations usually belonging to the Global North.
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