The importance of collaborative research in translation pedagogy




Collaborative research. Classroom research. Teaching translation. Magisterial performance. Teacher training.


In the last twenty years authors like Delisle (1988) and Kiraly (2000) have made evident the lack of agreement concerning the methodologies used to teach practical translation courses. In this presentation we, first, revise the concept of community in translation studies. Second, we echo the criticisms of Delisle on the lack of innovation in the teaching of practical translation courses. And finally, we share two examples of the kind of research that could take place in translation classes and in translation programs to promote collaborative research projects. This should be a way to insist on the importance of the classroom as the place to produce the kind of empirical data that could provide the grounds for a translation teaching methodology.

Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo D'Avila, Universidade de Brasília

    Doutor em Estudos da Tradução pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2017 - 2022), bolsista CAPES-DS. Participou do Programa Futuros Líderes das Américas (Programme des futurs leaders dans les Amériques - PFLA) com estadia de pesquisa na Université de Montréal (UdeM), Montréal - Canadá, com orientação do Prof. Dr. Georges L. Bastin (21/08/2014 - 25/02/2015). Mestre (2016) em Estudos da Tradução e Bacharel em Letras - Tradução/Francês (2015) pela Universidade de Brasília. Bacharel em Relações Internacionais (2006) pela Universidade Católica de Brasília (2006), com ênfase em Comércio Exterior e Marketing atuando em empresas de Comércio Exterior e prestando consultoria na área de Marketing e Trade Marketing. 

  • Patrícia Rodrigues Costa, Universidade de Brasília




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Colina, S. (2003). Translation teaching from research to the classroom, New York/SanFrancisco, McGraw-Hill.

Delisle, J. (1988). "L'initiation à la traduction économique". Meta 33(2), pp. 204-215.

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Holmes, J. (2000). "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies", in Lawrence Venuti (ed.), Translation Studies Reader, London/New York, Routledge, pp. 172-185.

Kiraly, D. (2000). A Social constructivist approach to translator education. Manchester, UK & Northampton, MA, St. Jerome Publishing.

Ladmiral, J.-R. (1977). « La traduction dans le cadre de l’institution pédagogique », Die Neueren Sprachen 76, pp. 489-516.

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How to Cite

The importance of collaborative research in translation pedagogy. Belas Infiéis, Brasília, Brasil, v. 13, n. 1, p. 01–14, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v13.n1.2024.55925. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.

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