The teaching of portuguese for foreigners in a dialogical perspective and the constructions of ethos in this context
Perspectiva dialógica, Ethos especular, Português para EstrangeirosAbstract
This paper presents reflections on a dialogic (BAKHTIN, 2014) perspective of teaching Portuguese for Foreigners (NIEDERAUER, 2010; MENDES, 2011) aiming at linguistic-cultural mediation (SOUZA, 2017) and analyzes the construction of ethos (MAINGUENEAU, 2008; AMOSSY, 2005), more specifically on specular ethos (SOUTO MAIOR, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018) as a mechanism for the development of knowledge in this context of language teaching/learning. For this, we understand that the perspective of culturally sensitive pedagogy, considering cultural meanings (SOUZA, 2017), emerges in the proposals developed in the classroom and establishes a reflection on images of oneself and the other. In this sense, we observe the students' ethos regarding the learning of the Portuguese language, highlighting the interactional process constituted with the foreign students and their own ethos in a specular perspective.
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