Intercultural Education and Portuguese as a Welcoming: a proposal for the Brazilian contexto




PLAc, Interculturality, Intercultural Communicative Competence., Portuguese as a Welcoming Language


In this article, we discuss the correlation between the characteristics of teaching Portuguese as a Welcoming Language (PLAc) and intercultural education, focusing on the specific needs of migrants. The objective is to highlight the importance of interculturalism as an approach that promotes and recognizes culture as an essential element of teaching, as well as the adoption of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) standards in PLAc. The methodology employed is based on a theoretical review of the concepts of PLAc and interculturality in Brazil. Our discussion is grounded in the intercultural competencies defined by Byram, Gribkova, and Starkey (2002), Candau (2014), and Mendes (2018), establishing a connection with the specific characteristics and needs of PLAc, as discussed by Grosso (2010), Anunciação, Camargo, and Lopez (2021), and Fiorelli (2022). We conclude by emphasizing the fundamental importance of cultural presence in PLAc teaching, aiming at the inclusion of migrants in society through a cultural perspective promoted by teachers. Based on these considerations, we suggest the implementation of intercultural competencies in PLAc teaching, aware of the potential to positively influence Brazilian education by equipping students not only linguistically but also socially, preparing them to be globally aware and critical citizens.


Author Biographies

  • Zilanezia Silva Lima Rocha Santos, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)

    Master's student in Applied Linguistics, in the Languages and Representations program (PPGL/UESC, 2023-2025). Volunteer teacher of Portuguese as a Language of Welcome at the Círculos de Hospitalidade institution. Graduated in Social Communication - Radio and TV from the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC, 2010-2013), where she conducted research in the Folk Communication Studies Research Group.

  • Lenilza Teodoro dos Santos Mendes, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)

    Graduated in Literature from the State University of Santa Cruz (1993), with a specialization in Portuguese Language from PUC/Minas (1996) and a postgraduate degree in Language Studies from UNEB (2009), she is an Assistant Professor at UESC and holds a PhD in Language and Culture from UFBA, with a sandwich doctorate at the University of Lisbon. She has experience in Literature, focusing on Portuguese Language Teaching, Teacher Training, Teaching Methodology, Sociolinguistics, and Applied Linguistics, with an emphasis on interculturality.


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How to Cite

Intercultural Education and Portuguese as a Welcoming: a proposal for the Brazilian contexto. (2024). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 23(1), AG8.

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