The dialogic perspective applied to teaching reading and writing




Dialogical theory, Tasks, Reading and writing


This article aims to discuss the development and evaluation of tasks for teaching reading and writing from the dialogical perspective of language. To this end, we constructed some criteria for developing reading and writing tasks that reflect the adopted theoretical perspective, such as the need to prioritize the use of language through speech genres, to focus on the contextual, situational and functional aspects of the genre and to develop reading questions that go beyond the informative dimension, highlighting those that the text establishes with other discourses and those unsaid that must be inferred. Furthermore, we present a reading and writing task prepared based on the proposed criteria, as well as an evaluation note that considers contextual and discursive aspects in the correction of texts. This article aims to discuss the development and evaluation of tasks for teaching reading and writing from the dialogic perspective of language. To this end, we constructed some criteria for developing reading and writing tasks that reflect the adopted theoretical perspective, such as the need to prioritize the use of language through speech genres, to focus on the contextual, situational and functional aspects of the genre and to develop reading questions that go beyond the informative dimension, highlighting those that the text establishes with other discourses and those unsaid that must be inferred. Furthermore, we present a reading and writing task prepared based on the proposed criteria, as well as an evaluation note that considers contextual and discursive aspects in the correction of texts. 


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Dossier: Academic Writing from Different Theoretical Approaches

How to Cite

The dialogic perspective applied to teaching reading and writing . (2024). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 23(2), DT14.

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