The game “Autonomous Me” as a reflection tool for learning foreign languages
autonomy, learning process awareness, foreign languages learningAbstract
Being autonomous is fundamental for competence development in a foreign language. It is impossible to learn another language without continuous actions that go way beyond the ones commanded by a teacher. However, metacognitively organizing the autonomization process has always been a challenge to most students. Tassinari (2015) proposes a model that aims at helping students in this process. This text, besides discussing the individual basis of the autonomization process, transforms Tassinari’s model into a game to be collectively played. It shows how this was done and the results of an experimental round played by a group of freshmen with different levels of command of the language. Results show that there was a higher level of awareness among students concerning on one hand what really means learning a language and on the other which are the dimensions that need to be activated in order to achieve successful learning.
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