THE Themodynamics in Automotive Vehicles

the teaching of physics devoted to the search for sustainable solutions


  • Francisca Vânia University of Brasilia
  • Giovanni Ribeiro University of Brasilia
  • Kitéria Karoline University of Brasilia
  • Wellington Sampaio University of Brasilia
  • Marcello Ferreira University of Brasilia
  • Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho Universidade de Brasília



Thermodynamics. STS. Teaching Units. Physics Teaching.


Influenced by the research of Paulo Freire and STS ”“ Science, Technology and Society, this study aims to suggest alternative strategies to teaching Thermodynamics in High School, given the increasing difficulty of teachers in designing new methodologies that meet the technological innovations so inherent in the student’s life, as well as to provide critical learning consistent with scientific knowledge. Through Teaching Units, it is hoped that the teacher will have enough methods to optimize his practice and motivate his students in search of a good scientific literacy. The Teaching Units gave the teacher greater flexibility in his actions during the teaching/learning process, as well as it was able to show the student the importance of scientific knowledge to understand the reality.

Author Biography

  • Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho, Universidade de Brasília


    • Formação: Dr. em Física, Mestre em Física, Mestre em Filosofia, Bacharel em Física, Matemática, Ciências da Computação e Filosofia.
    • Interesses: História da Física, Filosofia da Física, Ensino de física, Fundamentos de Mecânica Quântica.
    • Atuação Profissional: Professor Associado do Instituto de Física da Universidade de Brasília - UnB
    • Membro efetivo do Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física (MNPEF), Pólo 01
    • Coordenador de Licenciatura em Física - Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília - Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB)


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How to Cite

THE Themodynamics in Automotive Vehicles: the teaching of physics devoted to the search for sustainable solutions. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 85–120, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v3i1.23212. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.

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