Relevância do treinamento e desenvolvimento no ramo da restauração no município de Inhambane (Moçambique)




Training. Development. Restaurant sector. Inhambane municipality


The main objective of the study is to present the relevance of training and development in the restaurant sector in Inhambane municipality. As for the methodology, the study is qualitative and exploratory. To achieve the objectives of the study, bibliographical research on the topic under analysis and surveys applied to managers and employees of Inhambane municipality restaurants were used. The study concluded, overall, that training and development have a very significant influence on individual and organizational performance, with emphasis on: acquisition of skills and knowledge essential for employees to perform tasks with zeal and rigor; standardization/uniformity of services offered; increasing the quality of services offered by both restaurants and employees; and greater competitiveness in the local market. Therefore, it is considered important that restaurant companies operating in Inhambane municipality invest significantly in the training and development of their employees.


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How to Cite

Relevância do treinamento e desenvolvimento no ramo da restauração no município de Inhambane (Moçambique). (2024). Cenário: Revista Interdisciplinar Em Turismo E Território, 12(1), 94-114.

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