Current Issue
A pandemia de covid-19 expôs e aprofundou as desigualdades sociais em toda parte. No Brasil, a crise se agravou por ações e omissões do governo federal, incluindo flagrantes violações de direitos, que tornaram ainda mais vulneráveis os segmentos sociais periferizados. Povos e comunidades tradicionais enfrentaram esse cenário, dinamizando tecnologias de cuidado que vinculam pessoas, corpos, territórios e toda uma miríade de outros seres que os habitam. Também manejaram alianças e políticas públicas, em negociações para a afirmação de direitos, o combate à pandemia e a defesa da vida. O dossiê que dá título a esta nova edição da Revista Interethnica reúne reflexões baseadas em etnografias sobre saberes/práticas de cuidado mobilizadas nesse contexto.
Interethnica follows the growing and intense activity of researchers on interethnic and racial relations in social sciences and humanities, contributing to the scientific dissemination and intercultural dialogue between epistemic subjects of societies and identity groups and academia.
Its mission is to contribute to the dissemination of scientific production in this field and contribute to its understanding and theoretical development. It also seeks to open spaces for intercultural and multidisciplinary dialogue on issues related to inter-racial relations comprehended in broad terms.
The journal is edited by researchers from the Laboratory and Study Group on Interethnic Relations (LAGERI) and from the Laboratory of Studies and Research on Indigenous Movements, Indigenist Policies, and Indigenism (LAEPI), both Laboratories from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Brasília (UnB ) respectively linked to the Department of Anthropology (DAN) and the Department of Latin American Studies (ELA). LAGERI and LAEPI are research and extension spaces that promote various activities of debate on investigations in preparation or in progress, as well as finalized papers and academic publications.
In the period 2013-2016, Interethnica was classified in Qualis Periódicos, evaluation of Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (Capes), as: B2 in Anthropology.
Indexing: OJS, Qualis, PKP/Index, Sumários, Diadorim, Livre.
UnB Institutional support: UnB, ICS, ELA, DAN, LAEPI, LAGERI, BCE, UnB Journals Portal.
Rede de Estudos Ameríndios (REA) - Amerindian Studies Network
This editorial partnership, in force since October 7, 2013, seeks to promote the following objectives:
- The bilingual planning and publication of special texts and numbers between two or more periodicals of the network according to its editorial standards;
- Appointment of reviewers to streamline and internationalize the process of approval, revision and publication of special bilingual texts and numbers in the network journals and in accordance with their editorial standards;
- Planning and conducting conferences, seminars, meetings and workshops at scientific meetings to promote Amerindian studies; and
- The dissemination and distribution of journals in anthropological communities, indigenous and indigenist organizations, indigenous movements and indigenous peoples in Latin America, North America and the Caribbean.
This agreement stems from the initiative of the following journals:
- Interethnic@ - Interethnic Relations Studies Journal
- Espaço Ameríndio
- Recherches amérindiennes au Québec
These journals are free to promote direct contact with one or more journals of the network to carry out the activities provided herein, without prior consultation with other REA participants.