Grammatical intricacy and lexical density: two aspects of academic writing




grammatical intricacy, lexical density, academic writing


This study investigates the relationship between lexical density and grammatical intricacy in academic writing, following Halliday’s principles (1985b). The analysis compares two versions of a university text – the original and the rewritten –, aiming to understand their linguistic complexity. Using a qualitative approach, we examine a selected text from a database of texts written by university students. The results reveal that rewriting tends to increase the number of words and confirm that lexical density and grammatical intricacy are inversely proportional, as suggested by Halliday. These findings highlight the importance of considering both aspects in academic writing, offering valuable insights for students seeking to improve their production and understanding of complex texts in a university context.

Author Biography

  • Antonio Marcio Da Silva, University of Essex
    Professor da University of Essex, Essex, UK. Doutor em Hispanic Studies (Cinema Brasileiro) pela University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. ORCID:    


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Dossier: Academic Writing from Different Theoretical Approaches

How to Cite

Grammatical intricacy and lexical density: two aspects of academic writing. (2024). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 23(2), DT2.

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