Methodological options for the use of grammar learning strategies by Mozambican university students




Grammar learning strategies, Teaching models of learning strategies, Portuguese as a non-mother language


Learning strategies are, in general, cognitive enterprises that help learners of a non-mother language (NML) to acquire this linguistic system. The present study, inspired by Pawlak (2018), assesses the degree of use of grammar learning strategies in 30 Mozambican university students, in the year 2021, based on an inquiry grouping grammar acquisition instances/strategies. In the end, the study argues that the majority surveyed population applies grammar learning strategies, proposing methodological options for the minority of learners of Portuguese as a NML who are unaware of their applicability.

Author Biography

  • Nelson Ernesto, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

    Nelson Ernesto possui Licenciatura em Linguística na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mestrado em Ensino do Português como Língua Segunda e Estrangeira na Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisboa-Portugal) e Doutorado em Estudos Portugueses, na especialidade do Ensino do Português, também na Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Atuou como Leitor de Português na Universidade do Zimabbué (2007-2014) e na University of Cape Town(África do Sul) (2015-2016). Atualmente é professor efetivo da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.


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How to Cite

Methodological options for the use of grammar learning strategies by Mozambican university students. (2022). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 21(2), AG8.

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