The Compound Past perfect tense
a proposal for analysis in PMT with applicability in PFL-2
Portuguese as Foreign Language, Portuguese as a Second Language, language teaching, compound past perfectAbstract
In this communication we present a proposal for a descriptive analysis of the use of the past perfect tense composed of the indicative (PPC) and its interchangeability with verbal periphrases formed with the assistants being, walking and coming, in Brazilian Portuguese, with the objective of making possible the applicability of the results research in teaching Portuguese as a foreign or second language (PFL-2). Thus, we discuss the PPC and the periphrases "ESTAR + GERÚNDIO", "ANDAR + GERÚNDIO" and "VIR + GERÚNDIO" (from now on, E + G, A + GE V + G respectively), taking as a theoretical basis the semantic studies on the structures of predication (cf. Fillmore, 1977, Mateus, 1983, Peres, 1984 and Meyer, 1991). We intend, here, from the analysis of two types of predicators, to show some grammatical restrictions that involve the use of the PPC, as well as the possibilities of interchanging it or not with the verbal periphrases mentioned above.
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