Links as a coherence feature in journalistic hypertexts: Folha de São Paulo (Brasil) and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Alemanha)
link, hypertext, discourse topic, coherence, journalistic texts, contrastive linguisticsAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyze links as a discourse topic, a coherence feature in hypertexts. The corpus examined consists of two journalistic hypertexts, one Brazilian (Folha de São Paulo) and the other German (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), both dealing with the same news event. In the sphere of contrastive linguistics, certain presuppositions concerning discourse topics and hypertext links will be reviewed. From a journalistic standpoint, considerations will likewise be made regarding news and web-journalism. The aim is to analyze the use of links as a hypertext coherence feature, and the way in which this may alter the topical organization of a news hypertext. Contrastive analysis of discourse topics grouped under four headings allows one to identify intercultural specificities in the data analyzed and also to observe differences in the editorial line adopted by the two dailies.
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