Browsing needs: grammar instruction analysis in an online English course
grammar instruction, online English course, instructional designAbstract
The aim of this study is to analyze an online course in English grammar in order to investigate how grammar is instructed and how the instructional design of the course was elaborated (Netto, 2012). Two research questions were asked: a) What focus is given in the presentation of the grammar structures ”“ focus on form, focus on form(S) or focus on meaning? b) What kinds of instruction are present in the activities? The results showed that the course taught grammar in a traditional way, did not contextualize grammar and used focus on form(S) (Long, 1991). Contributions to the design of the course were made by recreating some of the activities so that they could reflect the research made in teaching online. It was also suggested ways to present the grammar with focus on form. Limitations of the research, suggestions for future studies and some pedagogical implications which can implemented in language classes mediated by computers are also present in the study.
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