A commented translation of “Ich sterbe”, by Nathalie Sarraute
Commented translation, Nathalie Sarraute, French, Spanish, Enunciative heterogeneityAbstract
This paper consists in a commented translation. On the one hand, we propose a translation of the text “Ich sterbe”, by Russian-French writer Nathalie Sarraute, into Spanish. The commentary, on the other hand, seeks to expose a series of criteria which acted as guidelines for the production of the translated text, and bring some examples about those criteria, taken from the original and translated text. The definition of those guidelines, in turn, is based upon an analysis of the original French text, considered in the wider context of the works and literary project of the author. Notions like enunciative heterogeneity, by Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, or rhythm, according to Henri Meschonnic, are brought as conceptual tools for the analysis of the original text and the definition of the translation project.
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