Analysis of Environmental Practices in Innovations of Products and Processes
Inovação, Gestão Ambiental, Competitividade, Indústria MetalmecânicaAbstract
The objective of this paper is to identify how environmental practices are embedded in product
innovation activities and processes in the metal-mechanic sector companies located in the region
of the Rio dos Sinos Valley, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The state hosts around 9.800 establishments
in this sector, with prevailing micro and small enterprises. Using the authors’ contact
network, a multiple case study was conducted in five organizations, adopting the criteria of the
actors’ accessibility and avaibility. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, which were
transcribed and analysed through content analysis. Results showed that companies are working
to meet the legal requirements and that the difference in environmental issues occurs only in
industrial processes. Thus, it appears that organizations are working to insert the environmental
practices only in innovation processes.
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