Saúde Ambiental:
uma Análise dos Resultados das Conferências Nacionais de Meio Ambiente, Saúde e Saúde Ambiental
Environmental health, Conferences, Public policyAbstract
The representation of the environmental health concept in the realm of public policy,
like the the web of conections balance expression is discuss in this work with the
intention to demonstrate the status quo of environmental health in public policies in
Brazil. First, was traced the history of the environmental notions influence on the
concept of health, the history of the environmental health concept evolution and the
institutionalisation both the environmental politics and health politics at Ministerial
level. The interactions between politics of Ministry of Health and Ministry of
Environmental to an effective National Policy of Environmental Health and
intersections in the final results from The National Health Conference, The National
Environmental Conference and The National Health Environmental Conference was
analyzed, concluding with the advances obtained by the two sectors, the challenges to
articulate an intersection between them and the social participation to the construction
of the environmental health public policy.
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