Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021): Sustainability in Debate / Sustentabilidade em Debate

In this last issue of 2021, the Journal Sustainability in Debate – SiD discusses about one of the biggest lessons of the year, reaffirming the importance of systemic and collaborative thinking as the best way to address our current global crisis (related with the pandemic of Covid-19 and climate change). Overall, it is urged for greater solidarity in local communities through bottom-up coordinated network actions.
This issue presents 13 articles in the section Varia, dealing with the following topics: sustainability in the textile industry; relationship between project management and green innovation in sustainable fabric companies; pre-consumption textile waste management in the clothing industry; management plan based on integrated and sustainable agroecological production for medicinal plants; perceptions of rice farmers and the importance of integrated actions to promote complex innovations in agriculture; the role of water infrastructure programs for family farmers in strengthening adaptive capacities to climate change; assessment of the Great Drought in the northeast of Brazil; a discussion on the water crisis in Sao Paulo; reactive (and not proactive) improvement of environmental policies; São Paulo's master plan from the point of view of principles and guidelines for a compact city, sustainable adaptation and ecosystem-based adaptation; the link between environmental management at the municipal level and the regional conservation of the Eastern Amazon; lessons learned from a participatory methodology of ecosystem services assessment in the Uruguayan Pampa biome; approaches to introducing gender budgeting in countries; and the role of indigenous lands in the Amapá State for forest conservation.