Percepções da Problemática Ambiental pelos Agricultores Familiares do Sudoeste Paraense, Município de Pacajá
Amazonia, Innovation, SustainabilityAbstract
Inserted study in the carried through actions of research-development in the region
of the Transamazônica, Southwest of Pará. The general objective is to identify the
decurrent environmental problems of the agricultural activity from the vision of
the family farmers. Had been questionnaire used on the practical the 13 families
and, 51 on the environmental perceptions. The environmental perceptions add
accumulated values, identities and interpretation on the relations and knowledge,
conformed in strategies of social reproduction that nor always glimpse the ecological
support, but yes material aspects and of exploration of the elements of the natural
way for satisfaction them necessities immediate human beings. The ambient
question is perceived in the climatic changes to if evidencing drawn out periods of
drought and greater heat sensation, and at the same time as concern imposed for
the pressure to the attendance to the environmental legislation. The family farmers
condition the changes in the practical of “slash-burn” to the support of the
governments for implantation of productive alternatives.
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