Strategies for a sustainable future in the footwear industry in the face of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)




Footwear Industry, Greenhouse Gases, Strategy, Sustainable Future, Brazil GHG Protocol Program


In spite of the efforts of the footwear and textile industries to understand their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and develop reduction strategies, knowledge on the subject is still incipient. Given this scenario, this paper aims to identify, quantify, and present the main sources of GHG in this economic sector, followed by proposing solutions aimed at more efficient management. A qualitative and quantitative study was conducted with four companies in southern Brazil to achieve this purpose. Among the main sources of emissions are fuel and energy consumption. The main reduction alternatives include searching for alternative fuels and considering energy generation through clean sources. It is clear that implementing initiatives aimed at reducing emissions is not a simple task. However, the research highlighted the technical feasibility of new forms of production with a reduced environmental impact.

Author Biographies

  • Camila Fagundes, PhD in Environmental Quality, Professor and Researcher, Management Research Group, Feevale University, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil

    PhD em Environmental Quality. She works as a Sustainability and ESG consultant with Ecovalor Sustainability and ESG Consulting and also as a professor in related fields. Currently, she researches themes related to ESG and climate change with the research group in Management at Feevale University.

  • Dusan Schreiber, PhD in Management, Professor and Researcher, Management Research Group, Feevale University, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil
    PhD in Administration.  Currently, he is a professor and researcher in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Quality and in the Master's Program in Creative Industry at the same educational institution. Additionally, he also works as a consultant for companies in the finance sector.


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How to Cite

Strategies for a sustainable future in the footwear industry in the face of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). (2024). Sustainability in Debate, 15(1), 12-42.

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