Analyzing the Potentialities of Artificial Intelligence in the Creation of Teaching Materials for Physics Teaching
Educational technology. Didactic resources. Chat GPT.Abstract
This article addresses the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) for the production
of Physics educational materials, emphasizing the analysis of generated behavior and
the resultant impact on teaching practices. The employed methodology is grounded
in natural language processing (NLP) techniques, aiming to utilize the Chat GPT-3.5
chatbot to generate educational content. The main findings point to a significant
reduction in the time required for the creation of educational materials by teachers,
as AI can expedite the creation and formatting processes. Additionally, the AI
demonstrated not only an aptitude to adapt its responses according to different
physics areas but also a evident capacity to assimilate linear equations in the physics
context. The AI's ability to generate accurate and relevant responses, in line with the
covered content, resulted in materials better suited to students' specific needs,
consequently enhancing the educational experience from both the teacher and
student perspectives.
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