
  • Julio Cesar Chirichella Felicioni de Souza Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo




Relativity. Basic education. Physics education.


Starting from the main objective of the research, which is the description, interpretation and evaluation of academic production at a stricto sensu level in the Teaching of Relativity in the country through a "State of Knowledge" approach, we sought to answer how the researches are in teaching of Relativity, through the creation of groups of descriptors and analysis of each one of them, with representation of the indexes through figures and tables. One of the databases consulted was the Bank of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD (MEC). The search words used for the research were: Relativity and Teaching. As for the group of Base Descriptors, we can highlight those that the Academic Masters has the highest number of dissertations (72.0%, according to the Modality descriptor), and the South region has the highest production rate (Ten, according to the Local descriptor). As for the group of Pedagogical Descriptors, it can be said that the Theory of Restricted Relativity is the most discussed theory (74.1%, according to the Theory of Relativity descriptor), questionnaires are widely used (74.1%, according to the descriptor Educational Resources) and Meaningful Learning the most discussed theoretical framework (48.1%, according to the Theoretical Framework descriptor). Most dissertations use institutional documents (88.9%, according to the Institutional Documents descriptor) but in an outdated way. The main focus of research is to teach concepts (59.3%, according to the Formative Objectives descriptor) but with almost no dialogue with social, sociological and ethical factors. This work stems from the publication of a Dissertation that was a partial requirement for obtaining the title of Master in Science Teaching by the Cruzeiro do Sul University on December 17, 2021 under the title “A State of Knowledge of the Production of Theses and Dissertations on The Theory of Relativity in Basic Education in Brazil Between 2000 and 2020”.


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How to Cite

A MAPPING OF THE PRODUCTION OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS ON THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY IN THE COUNTRY: 2000 TO 2020. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 19–45, 2025. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v9i1.49372. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rpf/article/view/49372. Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.