Astronomy. Scientific literacy. Inclusion. Artemis Project. Teaching network.Abstract
In this work, we present the formation of a group composed by MNPEF/Northeast hubs dedicated to the Teaching and Dissemination of Physics and Astronomy, joining local efforts for a collaborative regional action of at least two years. Thus, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo missions and the current Artemis Project, in which the first woman and the first black person will walk on the moon, we will present scientific dissemination actions proposed in public spaces to promote critical thinking and inclusion. Starting from telescopic observations of our satellite and parallel activities, we will present refutations to conspiracy theories that deny that the humanity's were on the Moon and the spherical shape of the Earth. In partnership with the MNPEF hubs, a module on “Astronomy and Space Exploration”, according the BNCC and the New High School Teaching it will be offered, turning our students, multipliers. With this capillarity and logistics together with the Regional Education Departments, we will prepare teachers for nighttime observations and training activities, with their students and the population. Materials and strategies are already defined, and will impact 30 northeastern cities, sharing a dialogic and pleasant experience between local and scientific knowledge. Approved in first place at CNPq 36/2022 call for proposals, the project should leave as a legacy the inter-institutional and community connection; materials that favor scientific literacy for training multipliers and; resources that push the extension, teaching and research activities of our network, which we intend to expand on a national scale.
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