The discourse of innovation in its teleology and impacts on the public sphere and research
Innovation, Discourse analysis, Public policy, Innovation Systems, Technological innovation, Critical Theory of TechnologyAbstract
The present work seeks to analyze what we conventionally call the “discourse of innovation” in an attempt to outline its teleology, its impacts, and differential developments in the public sphere and research, advancing in an inter and trans disciplinary way, using the structuralism method in the construction of its field, by successive approximations.
In the analysis of this discourse, coming from the private sphere, problematizing its essentially neoliberal and competitive basis, we seek new possibilities for resignification, transformation, overcoming its teleology in the ethos and modus operandi of the public sphere and research, aimed at the search for technological innovations in social reach, broad socioeconomic development, generation of public value, and social advances in combating inequality.
We conclude that, in response to the imperative of this discourse, the public sphere would have the role of better managing and orchestrating public policies, in new articulations between science, technology, and socioeconomic development with social responsibility, through the adoption of no less innovative models in management, articulation and political protagonism between actors.
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