The Seyla Benhabib’s Feminist Idea

contributions Beyond Gender




Universalism; Equality; Gender; Cosmopolitanism.


The present article intends to analyze some of the main works of Seyla Benhabib and to verify how the evolution of her thought helped in the debate and understanding about gender, as well as the way in which her studies are more capable of contributing to a more egalitarian society (especially when we analyze the issue from the point of view of social minorities). Through a bibliographic analysis of the author's works, it was noticed that this changes its position over the years of research and studies, presenting an evolution in the concepts and their practical fit in democratic societies. In the eighties, she perceived her perception of a reconstruction of the Habermasian model, using the figure of a contextualized subject. In the nineties, she started to comment on the subject who seeks her inclusion along the lines of liberal democracies, without renouncing her cultural identity. From the two thousand years onwards, it seeks to analyze the “rights of others” that occupy a globalized world, but would be subject to some of its own territorial logics. After considering these arguments, the author's fundamental contributions to the gender debate are pointed out, especially when she deals with the insertion of vulnerable minorities in a society that is considered as democratic.

Author Biographies

  • Verena Holanda de Mendonça Alves, Universidade Federal do Pará

    PhD in Political and Economic Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, where she received a scholarship for placement, with approval in first place in the selection of
    02/2016. Master in Human Rights by the Graduate Program in Direct at the Federal University of Pará. Graduated in Law by the Centro Universitário da Pará -
    CESUPA. Professor at the Federal University of Pará, where she teaches Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law. Researcher in the Criminal Law Study and Research Group and
    Democracy. Member of the research group Women, Society and Human Rights. Registered with the OAB / PA under No. 19043.

  • Anna Laura Maneschy Fadel , Universidade Federal do Pará

    Graduated in Law from Centro Universitário do Pará (2011-2015). Master in Law, Public Policies and Human Rights by Centro Universitário do Pará (2017). PhD student in Theory and Philosophy of Law at the Federal University of Pará (in progress). Member of the research groups (CNPQ): Practical Philosophy: Research in Politics, Ethics and Law (FilPED) and Normative Theories of Law (TND). Professor of the Law Graduation Course at Centro Universitário do Pará, in which she teaches the following subjects: Introduction to the Study of Law I and II, Human Rights and History of Law and Legal Thought and Philosophy of Law. She has experience in the area of Law, Philosophy and Gender Discussions, with an emphasis on Theory of Law, Political Theory, Human Rights and Philosophy of Law.


BENHABIB, Seyla. Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in troubled times. Polity, 2011.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Feminism and Postmodernism: An Uneasy Alliance. Praxis International, 11, n. 3, Reeditado en Situating the Self. 1991.

BENHABIB, Seyla. O outro generalizado e o outro concreto: a controvérsia Kohlberg-Gilligan e a teoria feminista. In: BENHABIB, Seyla; CORNELL, Drucilla (orgs.). Feminismo como crítica da modernidade. Trad. Nathanael da Costa Caixeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Rosa dos Tempos, 1991a.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Situating the Self: gender, community and postmodernism in contemporary ethics. Nova York: Routledge, 1992.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Situando o self: gênero, comunidade e pós-modernismo na ética contemporânea. Trad. Ana Claudia Lopes; Renata Romolo Brito. Brasília: Editoria Universidade de Brasília, 2021.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Sexual defferences and collective indentities. insSigns. Winter: 1999.

BENHABIB, Seyla. BUTLER, Judith. CORNELL, Drucilla y Fraser, Nancy (eds.), Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange, Nova York, Routledge. 1995.

BENHABIB, Seyla. CORNELL, Drucilla. Feminismo Como Crítica da Modernidade. Editora: Rosa dos Tempos. 1987.






How to Cite

The Seyla Benhabib’s Feminist Idea: contributions Beyond Gender. (2024). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 16(1), 76-100.