Black English Vernacular; Sociolinguistics; Linguistic Variation; Linguistic Prejudice.Abstract
This study was part of the ProgramaInstitucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) of UniversidadeEstadual de Santa Cruz (UESC) and aims to present the results of research conducted in the field of sociolinguistics. The subproject of Letters/English aims to address the presence of the variant linguistic Black English Vernacular (BEV) in musical styles that originate or African influence and to demonstrate that linguistic variations suffer prejudice because they are verbal and written different standard imposed by Normative Grammar. The use of BEV as an expression of black arose from the need of communication and not knowing English grammatically correct at the time of slavery, when they were brought to the United States. The methodology adopted was based on a quantitative analysis of occurrences of BEV on the Britney Spears’ album Femme Fatale. As theoretical broke the assumptions of the sociolinguistic Tarallo (1985), Labov (1972) e Bagno (1999). Furthermore, based on the guidelines contained in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) Foreign Language, which suggest that teachers work the issue of linguistic variations in English classes in
Basic Education. With this research we intend to see that the presence of occurrences of the BEV is not only restricted communities with African-American, but also cover other styles of music that do not have the Africanness in origin.
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