style, textual genre, textual process.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to analyze a very common genre in the university environment, the digest academic, but from the point of view of his creation. How does born a review? This is one of our issues. We will work with data from the process of constructing a digest produced by a pair of students from the course of Letters in an institution at Bahia. The purpose It’s to verify the relation that individual style establish with the style of the textual genre. The Russian theoretical Mikhail Bakhtin has postulated "an indissoluble bond, organic" between style and genre. For this author, it should not consider the style without taking into account of enunciation and genre concept. This style is collective, because we always based on a genre marked by history to enunciate, and at the same time individual, having a particular character by being produced by individuals. Therefore, there is the possibility of a taxable print your individual style, which does not mean the creation of new genera. Bakhtin postulates that there are foods that do not allow many innovations, such as is the case of an application, for example, that presents constituent elements more rigid, making it the most stable;
but, there are other openerthan the subjective inputs, as is the case of literary genres. In relation to gender digest, our focus of analysis, we ask ourselves: will he a genre more standardized, which does not allow the expression of the subject, or he of the margin for which the subject appears? As we have data of the construction process of the text that we will examine, we can penetrate into their origin and resorting to procedural descriptions, in addition to the descriptions of descriptive categories of
structures, global or local, of a product. Reflective Activities on the genesis and the textual variation show the industrious side adjustment of writing, taking the genre an important role in this work. We believe that these production practices of writing, which demonstrate the construction process, may add new lights for the understanding of the relation of the subject with the language. The text was written jointly with the purpose of registering the conversation held between the subjects regarding the
text that they were producing. This conversation, along with an interview later that we did with the dual, added valuable data about the seizuree of the kind of discourse, constituting our data procedural.
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