Homeopathy: health and agroecological transition
Homeopathic preparations, Agroecology, Health of living organisms, Environmental healthAbstract
Homeopathy is science and its social technologies are generated in a participatory way by farming families. The objective of this research was to investigate how the extension course “Homeopathy in the care of living organisms and environments” contributes to the agroecological transition. Through a questionnaire, the instructors and farmers participating in the course were interviewed. The knowledge of Homeopathy directly contributes to self-knowledge and awareness of illnesses caused by conventional agriculture and the hegemonic development model and, consequently, with a systemic view and understanding of living systems and health processes, favoring the reconnection with the nature and changes in attitudes. Homeopathic preparations, combined with management, contribute to the reduction and/or elimination of the use of pesticides and promote the balance of agroecosystems. The science and social technologies of Homeopathy favor the agroecological transition, environmental health, species conservation, production of healthy food and quality of life in the countryside.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fernanda maria Coutinho de Andrade, Vicente Wagner Dias Casali

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