Agroforestry homegardens: structure, composition and socioproductive organization
Autoconsumo familiar, Diversidade de espécies, SustentabilidadeAbstract
Agroforestry homegardens are representations of diversified systems, based on traditional knowledge, and management is anchored in agroecological knowledge, which encompasses the farmer's way of life. Thus, the objective was to evaluate a structure, composition and socio- productive organization of agroforestry yards in rural communities in the municipality of Igarapé Açu, Pará. The study was carried out in ten agroforestry yards, participating in the communities of the Triangle, São Jorge do Jabuti, Limão and Dezesseis, de-manding in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu. The methodology was based on shapes, semi-structured changes, guided tour technique, snowball and direct observation. It was found that agroforestry yards were composed mainly of agricultural, medicinal and forest species, with significant diversity and uneven distribution. The most frequent animal component were birds, kept in order to ensure the sovereignty and food security of families.
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