Agroecosystem services capacity in Acai Groves in the Municipality of Abaetetuba (PA)
Ecosystem services, acai monoculture, agroforestry systems, agroextractivismAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present the results of the Agroecosystem Services Capacity (ASC) applied to the study of açaí groves in Ilha do Capim, Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil. Thirty families were interviewed and 16 agroecosystem services (AES) were evaluated for three types of açaí groves: Açaí Agroforestry System (SAF), Açaí Monoculture (MCA), and Açaí in native forest (AM). The results of the provision AES were superior for the SAFs in relation to the AMs and MCAs. For the maintenance and regulation AES , AMs and SAFs had better results than MCAs. Regarding the cultural AES, there was no significant difference between the categories of açaí plantations. For the ASC, MCAs were classified as medium capacity, and SAFs and AMs as high capacity. The results of the methodological adaptation of the ASC can contribute to the decision-making of families and other actors interested in defining principles for the maintenance/(re)construction of sustainable production systems.
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