Impacts of the popularization process of non-conventional Edible Plants on the agroecological products offers
the case of the farmer’s market of São Lourenço do Sul (RS)
Family farming, PANC, sociobiodiversity, food sovereigntyAbstract
The movement to popularize non-conventional edible plants (PANC, in Portuguese) in Brazil have been advanced towards the expansion of the availability of these foods in local markets, especially at farmer’s market.This study aimed to analyze the supply of PANC by agroecological farmers at the farmer’s marketin the municipality of São Lourenço do Sul, RS, and to evaluate the transformations that have occurred due to the local initiatives that promote these plants, based on the comparison of the current supply with that of previous periods. Over a year of observations, the following were analyzed: the total number of species and products supplied; the number of products weekly supplied by each family and the frequency of product supply. A total of 68 species and 74 products were registered, which represents a great increase in the diversity of the supply of PANC regarding 2018. Considering the total supply, the greatest diversity was recorded during spring, featuringthe leaf green vegetables and the edible flowers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Camila Valente, Gabriel Carlos Baeta Melo, Jaqueline Durigon

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