Effects of rock dust's proportions in the process of compost making
organic fertilizer, silicate agromineral, waste, local resourcesAbstract
Operational and economic factors normally define the maximum doses of compost that are used per hectare, and the use of remineralizer implies a decrease of the organic part of the applied compost. This paperwork analyzes five compost treatments and the quality of their respective final products. To verify the influence that rock dust has on the composting process and on final fertilizer, treatments were performed with rock dust proportions of 15%, 30%, 45% and 60%, in addition to a control treatment without mineral part. Chemical, biological, organic and sanitary characteristics of the compost were analysed. Considering all the attributes analysed in this study, the proportion of 30% was the one that presented the best benefits to the final compost.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pedro Höfig, Éder de Souza Martins, Tiago Broetto, Elvio Giasson, Bernardo Santos Arantes

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