Analysis of variations in the net optimized revenue obtained in a irrigated area subject to conventional and ecological agricultural handling.
Conventional and ecologic agriculture, optimization, simulationAbstract
With the objective of accelerating food production to assist the population growth, the process of obtaining new agricultural methodologies proceeds in the sense, among others, of maximizing the productivity, the profit and the conservation of the environment. That’s the importance of researches in mechanisms that result in a sustainable balance among financial, social and environmental aspects.In this context, the optimization models can provide a better solution to the processes that happen in the agricultural productive sector. The goal of the work was a comparison through simulations of scenarios with different objective functions between the conventional and ecological farming of an irrigated area in the municipality of Boqueirão, PB, taking as a basis for comparison the benefits: economical (liquid revenue), social (labor generation) and environmental (use of chemical products). Comparisons were made using the mathematical and computational tool CISDERGO. The results showed that the ecological farming generates higher economic benefit than conventional farming.
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