Prática Discursiva Ideológica no Filme Invictus e a Construção do Estado-nação na África do Sul


  • Lucério Sarmento Gundane Universidade Save



Linguistic Ideologies. Invictus. Nation-State and Discourse.



The study analyzes the discursive and ideological practice of the characters in the film Invictus and the construction of the nation-state in South Africa. Phenomena linguistic and extralinguistic, of a sociocultural, identity and ideological nature are analyzed. The theoretical framework is post-colonial (Said, 1996), modernist (Fairclough, 2001, Irvine and Gal, 2000; 2019; Woolard, 2021; Heller; McElhinny, 2017 and Bourdieu, 2008). The research is qualitative, using an interpretative paradigm (Mckinley, 2020). During the analysis of the corpus, the philological method, stylistic, semiotic and hermeneutic analysis were used. Having discussed the corpus, the study shows that the imaginary, sociocultural and ideological representations involve the transformation of the relationship of a sign between linguistic resources and the social images with which they are linked. Therefore, Madiba's discursive practice is assumed as ideological, as it is an ideologically invested discourse, which incorporates meanings that contribute to restructuring power relations.

KEYWORDS: Linguistic Ideologies. Invictus. Nation-State and Discourse.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Prática Discursiva Ideológica no Filme Invictus e a Construção do Estado-nação na África do Sul . (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 24(2), 84-98.

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