“Each ‘like’ is one migrant less in our country”: A study of xenophobic discourse in Mexico as shown in a corpus of YouTube comments
Migrants, Central America, Mexico, Xenophobia, Lexical Priming, YouTubeAbstract
This is a descriptive study about xenophobic discourses against Central American migration. Considering Lexical Priming Theory (Hoey 2005), we attempt to unravel the ideological uses of the linguistic pattern <possessive + place (casa, país, nación)>. The materials analyzed are comments made in videos published in YouTube dealing with the migrant caravans heading towards the Mexican border with the USA. Our results show specific and metaphorical uses that mostly support Mexican nationalists’ discourses against Central American Migrants. Semantic clustering of the verbs nested in that pattern points towards fears (phobias and prejudices) that the users of those platforms show against migrants.
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