the “Scottish School” response




Socratic Problem. Historical Socrates. John Burnet. Alfred Edward Taylor. Plato’s Socrates.


This article aims to address the response of John Burnet and Alfred Edward Taylor to the “Socratic Problem” – that is, to questions relating to the thought and life of the historical Socrates. Both are the main representatives of the so-called "Scottish School", which was very influential at the beginning of the last century and which left its mark on the study of this important issue of Ancient Philosophy. In order to present its vision, it will be analyzed the way in which the authors treat the four main sources about the person of Socrates: Xenophon, Aristotle, Aristophanes and Plato. After this analysis, it will be possible to understand how Taylor and Burnet reconstruct Socrates' life and thought – with an emphasis on the Theory of Ideas and the Socratic Doctrine of the Soul. Finally, the article will address the reasons why the Scottish School's position is no longer adopted by any historian of philosophy in contemporary times.


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Author Biography

  • Arthur Lopes Campos Cordeiro, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Graduando em Direito na UFMG. Pesquisador de Iniciação Científica em Filosofia do Direito sob Orientação da Profa. Dra. Karine Salgado. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia do Direito, Ética, Metafísica, Filosofia Antiga e Medieval, atuando principalmente com os seguintes autores: Ésquilo, Platão, Agostinho, Tomás de Aquino e Javier Hervada 


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How to Cite

ALFRED E. TAYLOR, JOHN BURNET AND THE SOCRATIC PROBLEM: the “Scottish School” response. (2022). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 10(21), 288-311.