Development of a program to fit the magnetization curve of polydisperse ferrofluids
A ferrofluid is a colloidal dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles.
Its magnetization curve reflects a competition between the thermal agitation and the tendency of alignment with an applied magnetic field.
The interaction between the magnetic particles becomes smaller as the system is diluted.
Therefore, the magnetization curve of a ferrofluid with low particle concentration can be approximated by the Langevin curve, which describes isolated particles that only interact with an applied magnetic field.
The Langevin curve applies to a system of magnetic particles with equal diameters, that is, a monodisperse ferrofluid.
In a real ferrofluid, however, the particle diameters are different, and are best described by a log-normal distribution.
In this polydisperse system, the Langevin curve must be corrected by an integral weighted by the relative frequency of the diameters in the distribution.
In this work, we present a computer program developed in Java to adjust the magnetization by the generalized Langevin curve, calculated by means of numerical integration.
The program has a graphical interface that allows easy use by experimental researchers.
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