Geography, cartography and history of the territory: from Mexico to Latin America




Editorial. PatryTer. Latin America. Mexico. José Omar Moncada Maya. Historical Geography


This editorial from vol. 7, no. 14 of PatryTer – Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Geography and Humanities focuses on cartography, as an analytical instrument of Geography, and the history of the territory, as a synthetic notion of one of the concerns of the discipline. This justifies the tribute that this issue of the magazine pays to Dr. José Omar Moncada Maya, a Mexican colleague who has dedicated more than half a century to Ibero-American Geography. Without a doubt, the tribute to a geographer-historian is pertinent in these moments of human history in which knowledge is dominated by techniques, fleetingness and projection into the future, since we must not forget, neither in science nor in any aspect of human existence, that in the past are the keys to understanding the present and planning a better future. The work of José Omar Moncada allows us to review the future of Mexican geography to understand the current paths of this discipline and propose the scenarios of tomorrow in dialogue with other Latin American schools.


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Author Biographies

  • Everaldo Batista da Costa, University of Brasilia, UnB, Brazil

    Professor at UnB. Editor of PatryTer

  • Irma Escamilla-Herrera, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

    Academic Technique of the IGg-UNAM

  • Lucero Morelos-Rodríguez, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

    Academic Technique of the IGeo-UNAM

  • Ilia Alvarado-Sizzo, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

    Senior Researcher at IGg-UNAM

  • Álvaro López, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

    Senior Researcher at IGg-UNAM

  • Luis Felipe Cabrales, University of Guadalajara, UdeG, Mexico

    Professor at UdeG

  • Rúbia Rúbio-Schrage, Secretary of Education of the Federal District, Brazil

    Professor of the Secretary of Education of the DF


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How to Cite

Geography, cartography and history of the territory: from Mexico to Latin America. (2024). PatryTer, 7(14), 01-06.