Interview and tribute to Roberto Bustos Cara. Geography in Argentina and Bahía Blanca




Interview. tribute. Roberto Bustos Face. Argentine geography.


This interview integrates vol. 6, no. 11 of PatryTer, which pays tribute to Professor Roberto Bustos Cara for his dedication and contribution to Geography since 1966, the year he entered the career at the National University of Cuyo, and since 1981, more than four decades walking together with the Department of Geography and Tourism of the National University of the South and other Argentine institutions. Roberto Bustos Cara was born in San Rafael, Mendoza (Argentina), in 1947, the son of Nicolás Bustos Dávila and Dolores Cara. He lived in the south of the Province of Mendoza and then in the city of Mendoza, until he entered the degree in Geography, in 1966, in a land of wine production and Andean mountain landscapes. Bustos Cara obtained a degree in Geography in December 1972 (from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina), a master's degree in Geography in January 1975 and a doctorate in Geography in February 1977, both from the University of Bordeaux-III, France. The most valuable thing to be recorded is that this issue of PatryTer is dedicated to Professor Roberto Bustos Cara for his experience, enthusiasm and the person he is, for what he transmits and inspires everyone around him. The cover of this vol. 6., no. 11 of PatryTer contains a photograph of the Port of Bahía Blanca, a spatial reference in Argentine and personal history of our interviewee and honoree.


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Author Biographies

  • Everaldo Batista da Costa, University of Brasilia, UnB, Brasil

    Professor of the Department of Geography at UnB, Editor of PatryTer

  • María Belén Nieto, National University of the South, UNS, Argentina

    Professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the UNS

  • Andrés Pinassi, National University of the South, UNS, Argentina

    Professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the UNS


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Christophe, A., Sassone, S. & Bustos Cara. (2018). Patrimonialización del pasado francés en la pequeña ciudad pampeana de Pigué: un recurso para la identidad y el desarrollo local. Revista Universitaria de Geografía, 27(2).

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Martins Fonseca, V., & Bustos Cara, R. (2021). Patrimonialización de Áreas Naturales - prácticas vulnerables en las Reservas de Biosfera de Argentina y Brasil. PatryTer, 4(7), 44–62.

Muñoz Marcillo, J., Gentili, J. & Bustos Cara, R. (2020). Uso agrícola del suelo y demanda de agua para riego en la cuenca del río Vinces (Ecuador) durante el período 1990-2014. Investigaciones Geográficas, 59, 59-72.

Souza, M. A. A. de, & Costa, E. B. da. (2022). De tempos e ritmos, homenagem a Carlos Augusto Figueiredo Monteiro - geógrafo brasileiro. PatryTer, 5(9), 5–9.







How to Cite

Interview and tribute to Roberto Bustos Cara. Geography in Argentina and Bahía Blanca. (2023). PatryTer, 6(11), 01-12.

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