Kaxararí phonologies





Kaxararí, família Pano, Ruth Monserrat


This article is part of a tribute to Ruth Maria Fonini Monserrat and aims to situate her contribution to the study of the phonetics and phonology of the Kaxararí language. In addition to this objective, the article also aims to provide a general overview of studies on the phonetics and/or phonology of the language and to point out issues of interest for future research. The study began with a survey of published and unpublished works on the phonetics and/or phonology of the Kaxararí language. The works of Fr. Békšta (1977), Souza (1986), Silva (1986), Cabral and Monserrat (1987), Sousa (2004), Couto (2005) and Barbosa (2015) were surveyed. An analysis of these works was then carried out and the results of the analysis are summarized in this article in two main sections, one that presents the phonetics and/or segmental phonology presented in each work and another that discusses some phenomena, considering the author(s) who described it and how the issue is addressed in each work. The results are also summarized in tables that summarize the observations presented.


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How to Cite

Kaxararí phonologies. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 16(1), 302-341. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbla.v16i1.56737