Um breve histórico da escrita Mundurukú


  • Gessiane Lobato Picanço Lobato Picanço



Ortografia; Mundurukú; História


This study describes three defining moments on the spelling formation and evolution of the Mundurukú (Tupí) language. The historical path shows that, until recently, the main function of writing in the community was religious education. One of the first texts written in the language was a catechism, produced in early twentieth century, by Frei Hugo Mense, a Franciscan missionary. The constitution of the Mundurukú alphabet only occurred in the 1960s, proposed by SIL missionaries. At this moment, writing turns to mother tongue education, albeit in a secondary way. Shortly afterwards, the alphabet underwent a revision and some graphemes were altered, seeking to achieve a greater similarity with Portuguese letters. The analysis of letter-sound correspondences shows that the function attributed to writing was decisive for the choice of which features of spoken Mundurukú should be represented graphically, and how these choices affected language teaching in local education.


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How to Cite

Um breve histórico da escrita Mundurukú. (2020). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 12(1), 311-327.