Orações relativas em Nheengatú ou Ingatú


  • Edilson Martins Melgueiro Instiuto Federal de Educação do Amazonas
  • Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Canral Universidade de Brasília https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7212-9178
  • Marci Fileti Martins Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Relativization. Nheengatú. Tupi Guarani. Linguistic contact Syntax.


The present study deals with the Relative Clauses in Nheengatú or Ingatú language, spoken as the first language by approximately 1,300 baníwas and 1,000 werekénas in the Upper Rio Negro region, and by approximately 5,600 barés in the Upper Rio Negro and Middle Rio Negro. Rodrigues (1986) was the first linguist to deal with the effects of Nheengatú's contact with Portuguese over 300 years, highlighting, as a result of these effects, the development of Relative Clauses in Nheengatú. In the present study, based on Keenan and Comrie (1977, 1979), Keenan (1985) and Payne (1997) I describe the Nheengatú Relative Clauses demonstrating that in this language, subject, direct object, indirect object, oblique and possessed nouns are relativizable, Relative Clauses are external to their heads, and that the noun phrase relativized in relative clauses can perform the functions of subject, direct object, indirect object, and oblique. I also show that in Nheengatús’s Relative Clauses when a noun or an adjective is the nucleus of the predicate, the relativized noun phrase is represented by a gap, but may also be represented by a demonstrative pronoun in certain conditions.


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How to Cite

Orações relativas em Nheengatú ou Ingatú. (2019). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 11(02), 16. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbla.v11i02.28115