Imagetic representations in the newspaper O Globo: speaking of street and hiding people

para falar de rua ocultando pessoas




critical discourse studies, visual design grammar, O Globo, homelessness, public policies


To discuss the representation of homeless people by image mechanisms with distancing and cover-up effects in the electronic news media, in this article I analyze data from the newspaper O Globo. I consider texts that cross the theme of homelessness and public policies, containing images in their composition. The analytical category that directs the composition of the corpus is the salience aspect of compositional meanings (Kress; van Leeuwen, 1996). The 13 photographs of the corpus that highlight non-human elements are analyzed. Results point out elements in a locative relation of conceptual fit, creating a space between absence and presence.

Keywords: Critical discourse studies. Visual Design Grammar. O Globo. Homelessness. Public policies.



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Author Biography

  • Viviane de Melo Resende, Universidade de Brasília

    Depto. de Linguística

    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística

    Universidade de Brasília


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Dossiê Estudos em Semiótica Social na América Latina

How to Cite

Imagetic representations in the newspaper O Globo: speaking of street and hiding people: para falar de rua ocultando pessoas. (2021). Papers of Language and Society, 22(1), 440-459.

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