Liberation Praxis of the "Rights of children, adolescents and young people"
For the Praxis of Liberation section of this edition, we have organized historical documents related to the defense and rights of children, adolescents and young people, which are:
1) The document Popular Amendments, containing all propositions of organized civil society that were directed to the National Congress to propose and discuss the constitutionalization of the rights of children and adolescents during the Constituent Assembly, with particular attention to the Popular Amendments ns. 01 (PE0001-6, p. 7), 07 (PE00007-5, p. 10) and 96 (PE00096-2, p. 91), which were crucial for guiding the constitutional texts of Articles 227 and 228;
2) The final report of the 2002 Research on Trafficking in Women, Children and Adolescents for Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Brazil, organized by professors Maria Lúcia Leal and Maria de Fátima Leal, from the University of Brasília, and whose content was crucial to promote and guide plans and public policies to address violations of sexual rights of children and adolescents in Brazil;
3) The first version - there have already been three - of Bill No. 4530/2004 drafting the National Youth Plan, which to date is expected to be updated and approved in the National Congress, or moved for drafting by the Executive;
4) The final report of the National Meeting of Black Youth, held in 2007, whose content influenced the disputes for the standardization of youth rights in the Youth Statute and in government plans, such as the Living Black Youth Plan;
5) The report of the National Seminar on Indigenous Youth, held in 2009, which highlights the demands for rights and public policies, and the strategies of political organization to boost the participation of such subjects;
6) The Ten-Year Plan for the Human Rights of Children and Adolescents, drawn up in 2011.
- Apresentação com anexos (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 1 Emendas Populares (1987) (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 2 Relatório Final da Pesquisa sobre Tráfico de Mulheres, Crianças e Adolescentes... (2002) (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 3 Projeto de Lei n. 4530/2004 – Plano Nacional de Juventude (2004) (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 4 Relatório Final do Encontro Nacional de Juventude Negra (2007) (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 5 Relatório do Seminário Nacional de Juventude Indígena (2009) (PDF) (Portuguese)
- 6 Plano Decenal dos Direitos Humanos de Crianças e Adolescentes (2011) (Portuguese)
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