Complejidad y competencia comunicativa
DOI: clave:
Competencia Comunicativa;, Multilingüismo;, Complejidad;, Interlengua;, CódigoResumen
The concept “communicative competence” includes much more than “linguistic competence” (typically used by traditional theoretical linguists) and has become one of the key concepts in applied linguistics and language teaching. Besides the linguistic dimension, it also contemplates discourse, pragmatic, sociocultural, mediation, and strategic dimensions. Interestingly, these operative elements do not relate to each other in a complex manner, but rather, interaction tends to occur mechanically as in an aggregation of knowledge. This article presents a model of communicative competence based on complex thinking (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts), with the addition of another perspective: the multilingual character of any language speaker, which includes verbal and nonverbal codes, linguistic varieties (dialects, register, etc), and languages in which the speaker has developed some type of interlanguage.
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