Peer assessment and young English language learners


  • Thais Rossafa Tavares Balbino Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Juliana Reichert Assunção Tonelli Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Peer-assessment, English for children, Assessment for learning


Research in assessment for learning in the area of foreign language teaching for children in Brazil are moving forward very slowly (QUEVEDO-CAMARGO; SCARAMUCCI, 2018). Consequently, teachers’ assessment literacy is also insufficient given the circumstances of the increase of foreign language teaching for children from the first years of elementary school (TONELLI; QUEVEDO-CAMARGO, 2019). With that in mind, the objective of this study is to present the conceptions of assessment for learning and peer assessment and how they connect to each other. Yet, it is indicated the strengths and weaknesses from using the “Two stars and a wish” peer assessment in the Language Lab from a university from the north of Paraná State context, through a practical example applied in 2021remotely during the pandemics of Coronavirus. Lastly, I indicate suggestions to solve found problems.

Keywords: Peer-assessment; English for children; Assessment for learning.


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How to Cite

Peer assessment and young English language learners. (2021). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 20(2), AG3.

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