The process of including Hearing Impaired Students in bilingual contexts - Portuguese / LIBRAS with the intermediation of interpreters:
a discursive look
Discourse Analysis, Portuguese as Second Language, LIBRAS interpreter, teaching, inclusive educationAbstract
According to the current Brazilian legislation, it is the commitment of all educational segments to develop inclusion policies. This article analyzes the inclusion of people with special hearing needs (DAs) 3 implemented in the last decade in Brazil, especially in the elementary education segment. Based on official data from the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), its Special Education Secretariat (SEESP), the National Institute of Deaf Education (INES) and the National Federation of Education and Integration of the Deaf (FENEIS) a reflection on the urgency of the development of interdisciplinary research as a way to theoretically and pragmatically subsidize the implementation of pedagogical options that effectively enable the process of educational inclusion of DAs, through the intermediation of interpreters in LIBRAS.
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