Utopias, Terra Brasilis, Brasilia
Deconstruction, Utopias, Discovery of America, Brasilia.Abstract
The dismantling of the great foundational narratives of America can bring important Keys of reading for a reconnection of Latin American space-time, more plural and inclusive. The Western thought was based on dichotomies that affirm the hierarchy of a culture over the other and ignored the conflicts, or the dialectical dimension of reality. The myths and utopias about the Discovery of America hide the discourse of power through automation language, making it invisible. The text reveals some of the elements of the utopian discourse of myth of the Promised Land, Morus's Utopia and Lucio Costa's Plano Piloto for Brasilia. For the dismantling of the binary opposition, the inversion of the hierarchy is pointed out, which means deconstruct the system.
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